5 reasons for Canadian study permit high rejection rates...
Hello again and welcome back to my blog. Today, I write out of deep concern with regards to the growing rates of visa refusal for study permits to Canada. As at May this year, nearly four out of ten applicants (39%) who applied for Canadian study permits were rejected and this is on the increase. It is now almost seven out of ten applicants! This compares to an overall rejection rate of roughly 28% in 2014. Recent data released (as sourced from ICEF Monitor & IRCC) shows that from 2014 through 2018, the total foreign enrolment in Canada grew by over 73%, making the country the world’s fastest-growing study destination over those five years. Due to this massive influx of students to Canada, it is understandable that the Canadian High Commission do not believe that ‘all’ students are genuinely going to study but using study as an escape route for relocation - particularly African Students. Hence, most times visa refusal letters carry the following lines...